The upcoming SSC Tuatara is the hotly anticipated sophomore album from the Washington-based SSC North America team. SSC has built a name for itself via impressive top-speed-record runs with its existing model, the Diablo-esque SSC Ultimate Aero XT.
This super cars is based on the Aero model,but the engine is new,rated at 1180 horsepower,the most powerful engine.Aero TT has a top speed of 440 km/h at 7200 rpm with a six speed transmission.The car is priced at $500.000,just one model was sold.
Posted by Fly Supercars
The upcoming SSC Tuatara is the hotly anticipated sophomore album from the Washington-based SSC North America team. SSC has built a name for itself via impressive top-speed-record runs with its existing model, the Diablo-esque SSC Ultimate Aero XT.
SSC, a.k.a Shelby Super Cars, has already finished the replacement model of their extreme supercar - the Ultimate Aero, the Tuatara. If you think that SSC had no intention on following up on the multiple-record-holding supercar Ultimate Aero, you are mistaken. They recently announced a special edition supercar, the 2013 SSC Ultimate Aero XT. Following in the tradition of its predecessor
2012 awaits the entry of the newest offering from Shelby Super Cars (SSC), the 2012 SSC Tuatara. This car is aimed to unseating the Bugatti Veyron SS as the fastest car in the world. Jerod Shelby, founder and CEO of SSC, unveiled the Tuatara in the presence of a few people from the industry. Jerod Shelby is not related to Carroll Shelby, the legend behind all those muscle cars.
There are a lot of ways that you can define the SSC Ultimate Aero. But it can be summed up this way. There used to be a time that it is indeed the ultimate. Simply known as the world’s fastest car from 2007 to 2010 (and that is even verified by no less than Guinness!), it is perhaps one of the boldest automotive creations ever made.
This super cars is based on the Aero model,but the engine is new,rated at 1180 horsepower,the most powerful engine.Aero TT has a top speed of 440 km/h at 7200 rpm with a six speed transmission.The car is priced at $500.000,just one model was sold.
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